Frequently Asked Questions
Do you make custom orders?
Absolutely we make custom orders. If you see something you like but want it in a different colour pattern, or a different size, we can totally do that. Go to our Custom Requests and complete the form to begin the process
How Long will it take to receive my Cutting Board or my custom request?
Generally it take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete a custom Cutting board. Obviously some boards or designs are more detailed and may take some extra time. We will promise you this we will keep you updated along the process, and you will see your board or custom piece coming to life.
Can I pick up my board if I don't want to pay for shipping?
In fact we will do you one better, for those folks who live in the Greater Toronto and surrounding area, we will hand deliver it to you. For those outside that area forsure you can stop by to pick up your prodcut.
Do you provide cutting board care instructions?
Yes for sure we provide care instructions with every purchase of a Shamrock Designs cutting board. See below our care einstructions which are posted with every board post on the website.
How to take care of me?
Do wash me by hand. If you’re just slicing bread, you can simply wipe me off, but for moist, sticky, or pungent foods (which is most of them), you’ll need to wash and rinse it.
Do use liquid dish soap to wash me.
Do wipe me dry, and let me finish by air-drying on my side.
Don’t soak me. You can submerge me in water, but only for a quick dunk. Soaking can cause me to warp.
Don’t put me in the dishwasher. The excessive heat and harsh chemicals of the dish detergent will cause me to dry out, warp, and/or crack.
Don’t use harsh, concentrated cleaners on me.
To clean me if I get smelly cut a lemon in half and rub it over me and let it sit for a few minutes then rinse me and let me dry. If there is a stubborn stain on me you can sprinkle some salt on the lemon or sprinkle some baking soda on me and them rub me with a warm damp cloth.
When I am really dirty sanitize me after prepping raw meat. Use either straight-up white vinegar or a solution of 1 1/2 teaspoons bleach in 4 cups of water.
Once in a while I like to be bathed in the Board Butter that came with me, or a mineral oil bath is nice as well. I like this type of treatment every month or
Can I add rubber feet to my board?
Forsure, infact most of our boards do come with rubber feet already on them. This helps with the drying of a cutting board as it allows air to flow over the surface of the wood.
Note: most of our charcuterie boards do not come with rubber feet, this is more for asthetics, but when washing these boards, its a good practice to allow them to dry on their side.
Can I order a different size board?
Absolutly, just let us know what size and thickness and we will let you know how much and go from there.
Do you offer personalization?
Forsure, we offer personlization, whether it be laser engraving, or cariving over we will do it. Note, additional charges will apply for these services.
If I see a cutting board on your site is it availbale?
Yes, everything that is post on our website is available. We make it a point of once a board is sold we remove it from the website.
NOTE: in the "one of a kind" section of our website past boards which are marked as sold out, are not avilable. Its your chance to scoop these truly one of kind, one off pieces up today, and put that "sold out" sign up.
I love your boards, but live outside Canada or the US, can I still get one?
At the moment we do not ship outside Canada and the US, but we can definatly work something out, please contact us, and we should be able to work something out.
I see you have Epoxy boards, is it safe to use as a cuttign board?
While epoxy makes wonderful colours in boards, We wouldn't recommend using it a daily use board, as cutting on the epoxy can be harmful to the knife and yourself. Epoxy boards should be used for strickly serving. If you are looking for a daily use board, we would highly recommend an endgrain board.
Face grain, Edge grain, End grain? what's the difference and what should I buy.
We know there are different options out there and it gets really confusing quickly. Check out our "Face / Edge / End" Grain section to learn a little more.
Do you make anything else aside from cutting and charcuterie boards?
Absolutly, we will pretty much take on any wood working project. In the past we have build custom live edge desks, traditional desks, cabinets, custom shelving, side tables, and even canvas print wrapping. Just let us know what you are thinking by completing the form in our commission piece section and lets go from there.